How to choose the right paper for your printable art
Choosing the right paper for your printable art is important. It’s the number one question we receive from customers who purchase our digital download designs.
We spend a lot of time testing different types of paper for our wall art. Our aim is to ensure the final print is as close as possible to the design you see on screen.
Below is the results from a recent test on 2 types of silk paper. Despite clear similarities in weight and finish, the final prints differed. The premium silk paper (left) produced a clearer and brighter design that was similar to the original JPG. The economy silk paper on the right, presented darker colours and the lines were not crisp.
In this case, the premium paper produced better results. This is why we invest time in testing our paper stock before producing our prints.
With this in mind, we have 3 tips for finding the right paper for your printable art.
#1 Choose a paper weight above 170gsm
Paper weight is important for the longevity of your print and how it reacts to natural elements. For example, if you choose a standard paper typically used for letters and documents, it's far more delicate and likely to react to changes in the atmosphere such as moisture. Also, lightweight paper does not absorb ink very well so the final print quality may be poor.
#2 Looks can be deceiving
How paper looks vs the final printed result can be very different. A sheet of premium paper may look like a good option, but it may not be right for your printer. Paper suppliers often create stock for specific printer brands. We recommend looking for paper best suited to your printer.
#3 The printer is equally important
You should use a printer which is built to print photos, art or graphics. A standard colour printer may not produce the desired results because the colour spectrum is limited.
We hope these tips are helpful. Let us know in the comments if you have any further questions about printing your designs ❤️